Monday’s w/Banksy ! *not really* : — Boy Meets Girl


(this might sound like some free writing) Guess what 😀 I was looking at the many art works of Banksy trying to figure out which one I should do for my project. I really needed something that would be useful in many ways yet simple. Most of his work has lettering which makes it a bit difficult for this project. I do abstract art but I’m able to do it by hand never tried it with technology (Photoshop) so hopefully I do my best on it. The work I picked is titled is “Boy meets Girl”. You see the innocence of both the girl and the boy, but the innocence stays with the boy since he has the flower boutique but the girl has a bat with nails. Even though I’m a female I do see females as evil creatures (some) but in reality or maybe by what I’ve experienced males are evil creatures but don’t show it as much yet both genders are … evil. For me the message here is when your meeting someone who has interest in you, you would have your guard up. But this is restating that in a exaggerating way, arming yourself when someone is confessing you . Thats what I like about Banksy he leaves the viewer thinking and thinking, once she/he has understood the message they have a second thought about it. This art work has only two colors the black and the gray (the green popping on the right corner) so I can work with that. The solid figures that don’t have detail thats what I can also work with, I’m able to add on stuff making it exist on to the art work. Trying to get ideas of what to paint on it is hard, watching these different videos about Banksy, facts and faults gets me wanting to put myself into what I’m doing (art in general) Banksy is my role model, to be not what he is but be what he isn’t.

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